When did you start settling for anything less than your wildest desires??

Coral Lee
3 min readJul 14, 2021


It was so easy as kids, people asked what we wanted to do when we grew up. We simply said what our dream life would be, without anything inside of us, or more importantly, anyone outside of us telling us that we couldn’t achieve those feats.

When did that start to shift for you?

When did you start to feel like dreams are just for dreamers, and the world is too harsh for you to soar so high?

Did you start to feel like it was selfish to want the best possible life for yourself? Did something bad happen to you that made you feel like you were less than deserving, that life is too hard for good circumstances to flow easily?

And then, you started to settle. You started to accept that life does not always go the way we want, so we just have to buckle in and hold on tight and wait for the fleeting moments of joy.

What if those moments didn’t have to be fleeting? What if the negative experiences in your life were merely contrast to help you get crystal clear on what you actually do desire?

You see, energy flows to that which you focus your attention on. Like attracts like, and the more we concentrate on what’s missing in our lives, on what horrible things have happened to us, the more we tell the universe to bring the negativity closer to us.

This is not to say that life will always be perfect, that tragedy doesn’t exist. But you get the power to choose whether you let the tragedies rule your life, or you allow the miraculous aspects of you life to define you.

When did you stop feeling worthy of the best possible life you could lead for yourself?

Are you ready to reclaim your power? Are you ready to shift your focus to the beauty that already IS in your life, what you want to invite more of?

I find myself slipping into negativity and victimhood from time to time. I know these feelings don’t serve me, but these thoughts are often a knee jerk reaction for me when it appears things are going my way.

Do you relate?

So, I wanted to leave you with a few ways you can reframe negativity in your mind and shift towards gratitude and abundance.

When you catch yourself thinking or saying these phrases, immediately stop that thought, and focus on the expansion that is possible.

  • I never have enough money.

Reframe: Money is always flowing to me.

  • I don’t have enough time to get what I want done.

Reframe: I take full responsibility of my time management and I prioritize that which lights me up.

  • I am not deserving of a loving relationship.

Reframe: I get to choose who I let into my life and I get to invite in someone who sees me fully and loves me deeply.

  • I will never lose this weight.

Reframe: I realize that thoughts become things, so saying that only pushes my desires farther from me. I love my body right now, and I will continue to nourish and respect and all it does for me and keep working towards my ideal weight goal with patience for the process.

  • My kids never give me a break.

Reframe: I understand that my kids are driving me crazy right now, and I acknowledge that someday they will be grown up and won’t need me, so I get to appreciate even the trying moments of parenthood.

Every negative thought has room for a reframe. We are not our thoughts and we can learn how to be observers of them first and foremost.

Let me know, which reframe spoke to you the most?



Coral Lee
Coral Lee

Written by Coral Lee

The Content Creatrix. I help women structure their online businesses so they can stop trading time for money www.facebook.com/coraldunbarcoaching

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